WEFTA award guide 2023Submission of your nomination will be open soon. Closing date 1st October 2023
The WEFTA award An annual award can be given by WEFTA to scientists who have contributed significantly and outstanding to the fields of seafood processing, seafood product development, seafood analytical methods, seafood safety, applied seafood science, seafood technology, seafood nutrition, aquaculture or consumer studies related to seafood.
QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Selection as a WEFTA award winner is a unique professional distinction that shall be conferred only on a living person at the time of selection with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience with respect to his or her overall contributions in the field of seafood science and technology. The judging will be based on the following criteria:
Further to these criteria evidence of leadership and achievements within the profession may also be taken into consideration. For example: The organization of conferences and service on industrial, academic, governmental, and/or on international committees, training programs, advisory activities, and promoting participation in WEFTA activities. As WEFTA in particular welcome the participation of young scientists, nomination of candidates having shown remarkable talent early in their career is particularly encouraged.
NOMINATING A CANDIDATE FOR THE AWARD Anyone affiliated with a WEFTA member institute may nominate a person for the WEFTA award. The special nomination form found on the WEFTA homepage must be filled in as instructed. The form shall include the candidate’s name, title, current affiliation, most significant contributions as listed in the above qualifications criteria. The nomination form shall include the name of the nominating WEFTA individual member. Please submit the nomination form not later than the deadline 1st October 2023.
WEFTA AWARD COMMITTEE Selection of the WEFTA award winner is performed by a committee of WEFTA award winners. The WEFTA award committee will solicit nominations from persons affiliated with a WEFTA member institute. The members of the award committee will be gradually replaced such that for any year the award winner will replace the person having served as the chairperson of the original committee for the year the award is given. The chairpersonship will be taken over by the 'oldest' award winner.
→ Fill in your nomination form. Click here. |
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